Native API / Installation


This section lists the Pro Authentication API functions. For a detailed description of each function’s parameters, consult the header file DPAlAuthSdkApi.h.

Function Description
DPAlInit Initialize the authentication functions.

Calling this function is optional. If you do not call it, the system will initialize itself. However if you are going to call multiple authentication functions, it is more efficient and provides better performance if you initialize and terminate explicitly.
DPAlTerm Terminate the authentication process, release resources. You must call DPAlTerm once for each time that you called DPAlInit.
DPAlAuthentication Display multi-factor authentication dialog and authenticate a user. Optionally return the type of credentials used to authenticate and/or a secret upon successful authentication.

Note that this function performs a 1-to-1 comparison -- matching a user’s credentials against their enrolled credentials in the DigitalPersona database.
DPAlIdentAuthenticate For Kiosk environments only. Display multi-factor identification dialog and identify a user. Optionally return the username, the type of credential(s) used to authenticate and/or user secret(s) upon successful identification.

Note that this function performs a 1-to-many comparison, searching Active Directory to find the user, and then authenticates the user.
DPAlReadAuthPolicy Read an authentication policy.
DPAlWriteSecret Save the requested secret (authenticated users only).
DPPTDoesSecretExist Check to see if a secret exists.
DPAlBufferFree Release memory buffer allocated by the other functions in the API.
DPAlFormatMessage Returns a message string corresponding to an error code generated by the API. The string is returned in the language of the current user.